N114KB Project Updates

Fuselage, tailcone joining

Aft and forward fuselage segments being initially positioned for joining.

Aft and forward fuselage segment joining underway.

Aft and forward fuselage segments joined!

Aft and forward fuselage segments joined!

The fuselage joining crew; thanks to all!! — with Jean Balch and Paul Chuchel.

Bulkheads clecoed in place.

Fuselage, tailcone progress

Bulkhead components ready for priming.

Bulkhead components primed.

Bulkhead components test fit to the tailcone.

Tailcone turned 90-degrees to facilitate aft fuselage service bulletin installation.

Tailcone turned 90-degrees to facilitate aft fuselage service bulletin installation. Believe it or not, both Jean and I managed to crawl in there (not simultaneously!) to complete the SB work.

Aft fuselage doubler installed per the service bulletin.