Forward bottom skins dimpled.
Forward bottom skins dimpled.
Floor stiffeners and antenna doublers riveted to forward bottom skins.
Muffler ramp components primed.
Muffler ramp components awaiting final assembly.
Construction Blog and Builder's Resource
Forward bottom skins dimpled.
Forward bottom skins dimpled.
Floor stiffeners and antenna doublers riveted to forward bottom skins.
Muffler ramp components primed.
Muffler ramp components awaiting final assembly.
Seat rib angles riveted to aft gear brace assembly and entire lot clecoed to center bottom skin. Ready to rivet tomorrow morning.
Center bottom skin dimpling in progress.
Center bottom skin dimpling complete.
Center section lower doublers, skin stiffeners, and nutplates riveted in place.
Aft gear brace assembly components ready for priming.
Aft gear brace assembly clecoed together and ready for the next stop, post-Thanksgiving.
Idler brackets riveted to bearing and bulkhead.
Not much to see today, but lots of preparatory work done with forward and center bottom skins, doublers, and stiffeners.
Tomorrow morning, the large center bottom skin will get dimpled and then the buildup of components on it will commence.