Vertical Stabilizer Completed!

It took a few days, but the vertical stabilizer is finally done. Onward!

Vertical stabilizer skin riveted to skeleton.
Vertical stabilizer rear spar clecoed in place.
Hard at work riveting the rear spar to the rest of the structure.
The pause that refreshes…
Vertical stabilizer complete!
One happy builder holding the project’s first completed assembly.

Vertical Stabilizer Progress

Vertical stabilizer assembly continues…

Vertical stabilizer skeleton drilled and clecoed together.
Vertical stabilizer skin drilled and clecoed to the skeleton.
My camera-shy wife holding the fully-drilled vertical stabilizer assembly.
Yours truly (considerably less shy) holding the fully-drilled vertical stabilizer assembly.
Now that it’s all clecoed together, it’s time to take it all apart for deburring, priming, and final assembly.
Disassembly about to commence…