Fuselage, canopy, skins progress

Major components of the canopy release mechanism completed.

Canopy cradles painted.

Cowl attach piano hinges and hinge shims.

Forward top skin ready for dimpling.

Forward top skin clecoed in place.

Forward top skin clecoed in place.

Forward top skin clecoed in place.

Cowl attach piano hinges and hinge shims drilled & clecoed in place.

Fuselage, panel in process

Panel frame assembly in process.

Panel frame assembly ready for paint.

Forward fuselage masked for more interior painting.

Forward fuselage masked for more interior painting.

Forward fuselage masked for more interior painting.

Forward fuselage masked for more interior painting.

Forward fuselage interior painting nearly complete.

Panel frame assembly riveted in place.

Panel frame assembly riveted in place.

Upper forward fuse painted and almost ready for panel installation.

Fuselage progress

Interior painted! Once it dries, I’ll do a little wet sanding, then another light coat. Given how little will be exposed once the upholstery and carpets are installed, I think it’ll be fine.

Interior painted! Once it dries, I’ll do a little wet sanding, then another light coat. Given how little will be exposed once the upholstery and carpets are installed, I think it’ll be fine.