Fuselage, skins underway

Center bottom skin dimpling in progress.

Center bottom skin dimpling complete.

Center section lower doublers, skin stiffeners, and nutplates riveted in place.

Aft gear brace assembly components ready for priming.

Aft gear brace assembly clecoed together and ready for the next stop, post-Thanksgiving.

Fuselage, ribs, skins progress

Outboard seat ribs have to be fluted to conform to the curve in the bottom skin. Done!

All the correct bolts lined up ready to attach the seat ribs to the aft center section bulkhead.

Bolting of those ribs in progress…

All happily bolted in place.

Seat ribs now fully riveted.

Baggage ribs and components ready for priming.

Bulkhead bottom channel clecoed to seat rib assembly.

Bulkhead bottom channel clecoed to seat rib assembly.

Bulkhead bottom channel riveting complete for now. The remaining seat ribs are riveted a bit later on.

Fuselage, ribs progress

Bearing brace assemblies screwed and riveted to cover ribs and forward center section bulkhead.

Bearing brace assemblies screwed and riveted to cover ribs and forward center section bulkhead.

Assorted baggage ribs and doublers in work…

Baggage ribs and doublers primed and riveted.

Most of the seat ribs primed.