Finish, canopy framing underway

Aft canopy frame riveted to the canopy assembly.

Switch brackets riveted to aft canopy frame.

Canopy assembly mounted to the fuselage for the first time. Looks good!!

Canopy assembly mounted to the fuselage for the first time. Looks good!!

Canopy assembly mounted to the fuselage for the first time. Looks good!!

Canopy assembly mounted to the fuselage for the first time. Looks good!!

Canopy assembly in closed position for the first time.

Canopy assembly in closed position for the first time.

Canopy plexiglass moved into the garage to come up to ambient temp overnight.

Canopy assembly masked for interior painting.

Canopy assembly masked for interior painting.

Fuselage, components assembly

Right-side air vent all trimmed and ready to install. It’s always painful to alter a finished, manufactured part, but sometimes one simply must. The lower, inboard corners of each vent were rounded to match the supporting bracket per the plans.

Right-side NACA air vent scoop and its bracket.

Left-side air vent joins its mate.

Both NACA air vent scoops and matching brackets with first coat of paint done.

Fuselage, fuel system continued…

Seat back guides screwed and riveted in place.

Fuel selector valve ready for installation.

Fuel system installed! Visible here (back to front) are: fuel lines, fuel selector valve, filter, and pump. What a bear; glad it’s done.

A view looking aft showing the fuel lines (and their brackets) going to bulkhead fittings in each wing root.