Panel, firewall forward connections underway

Preparing to install a TNC connector (for WAAS GPS) to a length of RG400 cable. This 3-bladed stripper does most of the necessary stripping in a single step.

Here we see that all three cuts have been made simultaneously.

Each piece of outer casing (along with the underlying shielding layers, as appropriate) is removed with the gentle use of pliers.

The pin is slid into place and the amount of necessary center conductor trimming is readily apparent.

I used a razor knife to trim an additional 1/16″ from the outer casing.

The center conductor is trimmed and the pin is then slid back on in preparation for crimping.

I like to leave it just shy of the insulator as shown here. If the pin is bottomed on the insulator, you can’t be sure that the wire is fully inserted in the pin. This is a closeup of a very small assembly – the gap is probably on the order of 1/32″.

Pin crimped! Don’t forget to do a pull test…

Slide the barrel onto the cable (don’t forget!) and push the connector on until the pin clicks (it’s very obvious) into place. The neck of the connector should easily slip under the braided shield.

At this point, I like to do an initial test with a meter to confirm that the center pin isn’t grounded to the connector.

Slide the barrel up to the connector and crimp.

Don’t forget to do a final test with a meter to confirm that the center pin isn’t grounded to the connector.

If it tests good, then it’s all done and ready to install.

I should point out that BNC connectors are done with the same tools in exactly the same fashion.

I connected one end to my GTN 750 and ran the other end forward through the firewall. Once I’ve fabricated the antenna mount, I’ll final-route the cable, install a TNC connector on the end, and attach it to the antenna.

Pilot-side Infinity stick grip wires have been routed and identified with a meter.

The pilot’s Infinity grip has been installed; very exciting!!

Those two look good in there! It feels as though it’s getting close now…

Firewall forward component fitting

Manifold pressure system complete.

Pilot stick grip fitting commencing…

Powdercoat removed for Infinity grip spacer.

Wire bundle (17 wires!!) trimmed and ready to install.

No in-process pics (sorry) of the grip being fit, but there are simply too many loose wires and buttons demanding attention to permit any photography. So, here it is (ta-da!) ready to install in the plane.

I’ll check each switch for continuity on the bench before installing it, of course, because I sure don’t want to pull it once it’s installed. I’m holding off (probably until late next week), as I want to leave one stick out to preserve under-panel “access” (LOL!!) for as long as possible.

Fuselage component installation progress

Two hours spent connecting most of the wiring for the passenger-side stick. A mix of D-subs, heat shrink, and butt splices were used.

Elevator trim, flaps, and PTT functions have all tested OK. I still need to connect the start and TO/GA buttons. The former will wait until the pilot-side stick has been installed and reached the same point in the wiring process, while the latter is awaiting delivery of a couple diodes from Stein.

As expected, getting under the panel with the stick installed is even less fun than beforehand. Oh, well – that ground wire wasn’t going to run itself!