Finish, canopy continued…

Canopy rail assemblies drilled and clecoed to the canopy frame.

Canopy handle assembly riveting in progress.

Canopy handle drilled and clecoed to the aft canopy frame.

Canopy handle drilled and clecoed to the aft canopy frame.

Canopy handle riveted to the aft canopy frame.

Canopy handle riveted to the aft canopy frame.

Finish, canopy construction

Canopy rails bent to fit the fuselage contour.

Canopy rails bent to fit the fuselage contour.

Canopy rail assemblies drilled together.

Riveted canopy rail assemblies test-fit to fuselage.

Riveted canopy rail assemblies test-fit to fuselage.

Canopy side skins drilled to canopy rail assemblies.

Canopy handles fabricated, drilled to canopy side skins, and set aside for final installation in a day or so.

Finish, canopy components underway

Canopy latch pushrod assembly installed and operational.

Latch bellcranks, canopy latch pins, latch links, and canopy latch pushrod assembly installed. Some very awkward cotter pins in this area, which I very much hope will never be touched again.

Left-side canopy latch pin in engaged position.

Right-side canopy latch pin in engaged position.

Aft canopy rail components (angles & flanges drilled together).

Finish, canopy progress

More canopy frame fun. Leveled, checked for twist, corrected as necessary (not much at all – a few tenths of a degree), and drilled all components together as/where necessary.

More canopy frame fun. Leveled, checked for twist, corrected as necessary (not much at all – a few tenths of a degree), and drilled all components together as/where necessary.