Finish, canopy progress

Canopy frame ready for glareshield and touchup painting.

Canopy frame masked for glareshield and touchup painting.

Canopy frame glareshield and touchup painting done.

Canopy frame, side skins, and plexiglass mounted back to fuselage for riveting and fiberglassing prep.

Finish, canopy installation

Canopy side skins clecoed in place.

Canopy side skins clecoed in place.

Canopy weighted for drilling.

First canopy clecos in place. This is right about when I realized that the rear window had to come out – and so did those first fourteen canopy clecos. It all went right back in place, of course.

My trusty rivet bucker and drilled hole backer.

Canopy side skin and aft frame drilling underway.

Initial canopy side skin and aft frame drilling complete. — with Jean Balch.

Canopy side skin and aft frame drilling complete.

Canopy side skin and aft frame drilling complete.

Canopy side skin and aft frame drilling complete.

Finish, canopy construction

Canopy rails bent to fit the fuselage contour.

Canopy rails bent to fit the fuselage contour.

Canopy rail assemblies drilled together.

Riveted canopy rail assemblies test-fit to fuselage.

Riveted canopy rail assemblies test-fit to fuselage.

Canopy side skins drilled to canopy rail assemblies.

Canopy handles fabricated, drilled to canopy side skins, and set aside for final installation in a day or so.